Truth for Better Life.
The Uber Better Angel
When I was in grade school, our field trips went to Abraham Lincoln’s home in Springfield, Illinois. That’s when I started to think of Honest Abe as the uber better angel – at least among mortals. I got the chance to visit the house before it was converted to something on the order of a museum.…
Honor George Floyd
Justice for all implies routine systemic success. Now, America works on an exception basis, where once in a great while justice can be found. There is no justice in George Floyd’s murder. But this man gave people a strong spark of hope. We honor George Floyd. Derek Chauvin showed depraved indifference during the course of…
Nomadic Adventures
There is always interest in having nomadic adventures, or even dreaming or talking about them. These days of pandemic and social depravation seem to have created more appetite. Even the idea of being nomadic is alluring wanderlust. When realized, such adventure generates a range of descriptions, dominantly if not exclusively positive. First, you need not…
The Interplay of People, Process, and Technology
What is everything but the interplay of people, process, and technology? Do these prime ingredients not define a big part of our lives and social order? I believe there is a God overall who provides us with these things, and the ability to use them. Isn’t He, in giving humans free will, affording us opportunity…