Truth for Better Life.

  • A Man Wins His Final Gulf War Battle

    A Man Wins His Final Gulf War Battle

    I know a man; call him Randy. He just won a big important gulf war battle. Yes, that war is still going on for many. Randy is broken and diseased in many respects, but now he can live the rest of his life with a semblance of peace. The VA finally came through, and for…

  • The US Can Learn from Ukraine Leadership and Solidarity

    The US Can Learn from Ukraine Leadership and Solidarity

    Ukraine leadership and solidarity in the face of epic threat is beautiful and inspiring. Can you imagine the foaming frustration of Putin as he fails to scare them into submission? Yes, Putin can attack and inflict heavy damage, but it will cost him dearly and things are already not going according to his tired old…

  • Autocrats Use Terrorists to Plunder Free Speech

    Autocrats Use Terrorists to Plunder Free Speech

    The premise that autocrats use terrorists to plunder free speech might be obvious. Or in your reality it might not matter, or it’s desired or even expected. In any case, it merits consideration. This opinion is not to detract from the joy that ‘hostage diplomacy’ was able to free Danny Fenster. But hostage diplomacy has…

  • The Insatiable Appetite to Punish – Even Children

    The Insatiable Appetite to Punish – Even Children

    The appetite to punish is showing up in the Oxford, Michigan, shooting case. And once again, it shows that punishment of children is no exception. We are in a cycle of extreme punishment. Here are a couple of the reasons why: Jail is the Biggest Repository for the Mentally Unhealthy The boy’s behavior was called…

  • Bipartisan Lunacy

    Bipartisan Lunacy

    Mitch McConnell has done more to dismantle democracy than any two or three of the next dastardly politicians. So, it’s downright weird (or is it apropos?) when Joe Manchin gets the okay from McConnell to start some flim flam over the 1877 elector count act. That’s another stinky piece of bipartisan lunacy. Another charade to…

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