Category: Life ~ Society ~ Culture

  • Crossing the Eight Mile Line – Michigan’s Best Versus Worst COVID Vaccine Rates

    Crossing the Eight Mile Line – Michigan’s Best Versus Worst COVID Vaccine Rates

    The stark differences in life north of Eight Mile (Oakland County) versus that to the south (down into Detroit) are infamous. Still, today’s Detroit Free Press articles regarding Michigan’s vaccine rates is another startling contrast between the haves and the have-nots. In Oakland County, 59.33% of residents 16 and older have gotten at least one…

  • Perception Is NOT Reality – FULL STOP

    Perception Is NOT Reality – FULL STOP

    Some stand by the old adage that perception is reality. This aphorism has never been true or factual, but it has long been used to influence and justify. It has no productive place in politics; we should not be swapping out democracy for alternate realities. Politely saying, FULL STOP. “Perception as reality” isn’t all bad.…

  • New Rene Lichtman Paintings: Chance/Choice

    New Rene Lichtman Paintings: Chance/Choice

    The abstract form of Rene Lichtman paintings will be on fresh display commencing May 6th at the Lawrence Street Gallery, at 22620 Woodward Avenue in Ferndale, Michigan. Dubbed Chance/Choice, this exciting new series reflects the evolution of his work into geometry from Expressionistic roots. Lichtman says he is “somewhere in the middle; geometry, structure, with…

  • The Uber Better Angel

    The Uber Better Angel

    When I was in grade school, our field trips went to Abraham Lincoln’s home in Springfield, Illinois. That’s when I started to think of Honest Abe as the uber better angel – at least among mortals. I got the chance to visit the house before it was converted to something on the order of a museum.…

  • The Interplay of People, Process, and Technology

    The Interplay of People, Process, and Technology

    What is everything but the interplay of people, process, and technology? Do these prime ingredients not define a big part of our lives and social order? I believe there is a God overall who provides us with these things, and the ability to use them. Isn’t He, in giving humans free will, affording us opportunity…

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