“Liberal democracy” has become fighting words in the USA, given our version of the toxic polarization that is growing around the world. The USA’s methodic adoption of autocracy went over the top with the GOP “America First” movement. And this autocratic stronghold now retards America’s ability to play a significant role in preserving world order. Bipartisanship has degenerated to a good-cop bad-cop charade willing to let freedom and the people go, at home and abroad.
World War II reinforced that military might and free trade leads to peace and global prosperity. This gave liberal democracy a refined meaning. The American-led system of internationalism is still a harbinger hope even if less-than-perfect; it is still preferable to the violent suppression and fear that characterizes overt autocracy. But we are seeing how Autocratization Turns Viral, according to V-Dem. There were 42 liberal democracies in 2012, and now there are 34, representing only 13% of the world’s population. Meanwhile, Vladimir V. Putin says “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose,” and Xi Jinping says rigid autocratic order simply works better, as reported by Damien Cave of the New York Times.
It’s Not the Russian People

It is autocracy that is committing war crimes and adopting expansionism in Europe; and it’s the same autocracy that is flourishing in the USA. The Russians are not coming for us – it’s autocracy. If you reject or resist this reality, you are not necessarily a socialist (but you might lose your everything).
Sadly, Ukraine is but a blip on the world’s heart monitor. America can be seen as fighting over Ukraine, rather than with them or for them. At best today’s war might set a direction or trend. At least the global response to Ukraine shows that liberalism still has a pulse. Putin assumes to take the territory because it is close and convenient. But he is probably particularly bothered by it being a vital courageous new democracy. Ukraine modeled the American way while today’s America struggles to understand why they are so brave.
The strength and healing of liberal democracy will take time and significant effort well beyond the Ukraine fight. America must change, and change fast. We must take defined and do-able steps.
CPR Step 1: Clear the Airway
The world is at war with authoritarianism, and Ukraine is a big important battle; and quite possibly it’s the last wake-up call. America gave birth to this liberal democracy concept, so the world watches to see the extent we will go to preserve it. It’s analogous to the situation confronting Americans in the street. Violence is abhorrent to America’s most afflicted and they are the most in number. Yet the question for us all is ever-more pointed: what are you willing to fight for? At a certain point, apathy and indifference and moral turpitude will be overtaken – hopefully by friendly forces.
Assuming a big important USA, clearing the airway at home, is the same that will clear the airway for the world. This also assumes America doesn’t concede to being an autocracy rather than a floundering democracy. America cannot fix the world it created without cleaning up its own house.
The first immediate American step to clear the airway, to gear up for the war with autocracy at home and abroad, is to get rid of the filibuster excuse and open the door to strong unions. As it is, partisanship is continuing to strip and take down America, as evidenced by the disappearing middle class.
CPR Step 2: Provide Air
To avoid the end of the American era, it is urgent for elected officials to re-establish and enforce the rule of law, separation of powers, and proper state functioning in context of the republic. In other words, get back to the liberal democracy basics.

No amount of “America is back” talk makes a difference; in fact, without results-delivering action, it hurts the already-suffering credibility. On the home front, talk-is-cheap takes the form of betrayal when, for example, billions and trillions of dollars fly around, yet an entire generation flounders under student loan usury.
A return to basic democracy will reduce government incompetency and restore more the will of the people. Certainly, this is a difficult proposition, but hopefully it does not make you cringe. The same things that will restore credibility with the American people, are the same that will enable other world leaders to see America is vital to democracy and can be depended upon.
America Must Achieve a Special New Balance
There is a challenging balance that strong true American leaders must anticipate and handle for the sake of liberal democracy. To wit, it is the balance between engagement on the world stage versus uncontested leadership.
Engagement implies that we have something to contribute and say or do. This is a manifestation of our politics and our culture. Americans need to get comfortable with engagement and its intrinsic value to the world democratic cause. It flies in the face of isolationism as promoted by autocracy.
Uncontested leadership is what America seems always to want, to somewhat have, and to undoubtedly expect. This has always been good for America’s business and politics (forces which have grown increasingly inseparable). Survival of liberal democracy requires an attitude adjustment, where America accepts more contested opinions, where we are more earnestly collaborative with other leading democracies. America must encourage and accept larger roles for others within the liberal international order; and all must step up to the inherent responsibilities.
It is Still the Money
America must act with urgency and resolve for democracy to win over autocracy. But America’s war economy has its knee on the neck of America. The moral turpitude is not inexplicable; it is patently evil to selfishly grind away at people and the planet until they collapse. America’s economic insatiability now eagerly moves from the pandemic to new wars. Are these all-powerful people not plutocrats? Dare we not even tax them? How many warehouses are full of masks that never got used because they didn’t fit the health care profit model? And why can the unspent COVID money not be used to educate the mass of disadvantaged children? The answer to this and more: the democracy-killing bipartisan filibuster.
2 responses to “CPR for Liberal Democracy”
I’m a pessimist for a couple reasons. First, our strongest bastion against growing autocracy is an informed public. Right now, people are either willfully ignorant, or they’re readily swallowing the disinformation of the fascist right. If there’s money to be made lying, regardless of the costs further down the road, opportunists will provide the lies. Staying informed requires effort, and most people don’t want to put in the effort. Second, as the climate continues to deteriorate, the masses will first look for scapegoats, and then they’ll look for easy solutions. As they are the problem and there are no easy solutions, things will continue to deteriorate, a golden opportunity for an autocrat who will provide the scapegoats and the easy solution. For a while the solution has been to blame the messenger and continue on the wrong path. Once Trump came into office I knew we were screwed, because the window to effect real change was closing rapidly. I fear that it’s already closed. This is something I hope I’m wrong about, but I see very little to contradict my beliefs. Sadly many young people see what’s happening too, which explains a lot of their behavior. My 24 year-old daughter informs me that her generation is both burdened with the dark future and the expectations that they’re supposed to fix it. No wonder so many are just checking out.
Patrick, thanks for being engaged and writing your thoughtful articulate reply. I sense your genuine caring, and I hope you don’t give up. Your response cuts to the heart of the challenge. I agree the chances are slim and it will be difficult. One of my worries is that Putin screws it up so bad that the “leaders” take it as a win and justification for continuing their misguided cannibalization. I understand the disappointment as expressed through your daughter. My son is distraught and hurt and withdrawn over the broken social contracts; that’s why I will never stop fighting. I went to prison, as you know, and I use to be able to tell him “you’re in a much better place than I was at your age” due to being locked up – but it’s not so clearly true anymore.