Bipartisan Lunacy manifested in Joe Manchin and Mitch McConnell

Bipartisan Lunacy

Mitch McConnell has done more to dismantle democracy than any two or three of the next dastardly politicians. So, it’s downright weird (or is it apropos?) when Joe Manchin gets the okay from McConnell to start some flim flam over the 1877 elector count act. That’s another stinky piece of bipartisan lunacy. Another charade to keep the bipartisan gravy train rolling.

Bipartisan Lunacy manifested in Mitch McConnell and Joe ManchinWhen McConnell mumbles out his opposition to the RNC’s endorsement of the insurrection, it is nothing but a signal he must be watched; there is no trust and certainly nothing of merit for the people coming from that man – never has, never will. What it means, what it’s a sign of, is that the GOP is trying to regroup; they’re even whispering a little criticism of Trump. This coming-clean would snowball if the DOJ got balls and arrested some of the ‘masterminds’. Freeze their assets and take their protection details away. Jail them. Take away the retirement funds that they have not earned.

There are only a couple of reasons why the Democrats are so limp and non-responsive in the face of capital crimes against the government and the tear-down of basic human and constitutional rights. Maybe – probably – it’s some combination of two. One: they have another agenda, and two: they are equally dirty. Greed and avarice has the parties faced off and locked in a tête-à-tête, a deadly embrace against the people. Not overtly against the people; simply render them irrelevant, leave the dangling with hope. And it’s of course okay because they can always hide behind the filibuster. If only some party was brave enough to really side with the people.

Top Shelf Bipartisan Lunacy

If you consider today’s inability to protect the people, coupled with the atrocities directly leveled against the people, it’s as if the war machine is leaning inward against the people.

The war economy and the war culture are always hungry. Usually, it’s a bipartisan love fest, but even that’s cracking up. It’s not well controlled, and some spark could take it who knows where. This is the way it goes with fascism, government against any non-conformists; it’s not some romantic stretch of a civil war. Republicans are openly fascist but the Democrats are not openly anti-fascist. We need some Antifa lean in our government, and that doesn’t mean crazy left, it means retard the right-wing extremism. It would take some anti-fascist resistance to get anywhere close to the middle, but that would be attacked as Communist, etcetera.

How do you explain it when the GOP keeps dumping billions into arms but openly sides with the Russians when it’s show time? Of course the Democrats go for the big money too. It’s just all a little too wonky. Biden makes a show of alignment with Europe when it’s not even clear both American parties are in. Not that I am suggesting we should be going to war in any case. Americans used to pride themselves on being able to close ranks, especially in times of war. Now in our riddled divided society, I hope we can still make a showing. There is a lot we could learn from the Ukrainians.

As the old saying goes, Republicans fall in line and the Democrats fall in love.

Credit the Republican tribe for being honest; they are more open with the common people; lie and fantasy propagation yes – but at least they have a message for their audience. What you see is what you get, in all its greedy racist glory. Even considering their higher-level oligarchy-like maneuvers, they might be less treacherous than the Democrats. In a most literal way, Pelosi can now afford to flip her long-standing strong resistance to slowing abusive Congressional stock trading. Of course, it’s but diversionary talk that falls into the big Democrat someday-maybe bucket.

Democrats Undoing Themselves

Remember when the Democrats said they were crippled because they didn’t have the presidency or the senate? Remember the great lengths the commoners went to put them in office, and all the good things that were supposed to flow from that? The last time around seemed like the final turn of the crank. And since then, they are not delivering on the core basics.

Now, as they literally struggle to keep the lights on again, the Democrats are not of one accord and they must again spend their energy on campaigning rather than governing. By design, Republicans are not much governing either. But there were expectations that the Democrats would. So, the are left to tweaking messages. And of course, all bets are off if there’s a war. It’s not like we don’t have options but ahh, the spoils of war take many shapes.

There are notable young Democrat leaders in the field, winners of action who apparently haven’t yet been compromised. God help them. It’s shameless the way the party markets them. And God help the people who will again suffer through the restrictions and the threats to vote, again for perceived lesser-of-evil candidates who might not do what they say if they manage to get elected. It’s doubtful they can pull it off again.

The Ultimate Bipartisan Lunacy

You know what’s coming, and so do the Democrats. They will ferociously attack it, and are doubtlessly already preparing to do so. The Democrats will find their A game when a third party raises its head and gets traction. But if they persistently fail to do their job and won’t let anyone else in the game, the fall to fascism will have been on their watch.

Republicans might manipulate a third party entry depending on voting patterns, but the idea of three parties runs contrary to the one autocratic force they are edging to become. So bipartisan until the Republicans fully take democracy down, with the Democrats meekly letting it happen.

We are at the mercy of moral turpitude and apathy. In these times of psychological stumble, it’s too easy to fall for that definition of insanity – doing the same thing and expecting better results – bipartisan lunacy.






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