MI Voter Suppression Warning

Warning: MI Voter Suppression Will Be Asking for Signatures at the Polls on Tuesday

If you physically go to the polls in Michigan on Tuesday, beware that “Secure MI Vote” representatives will be aggressively looking for signatures. Don’t get tricked. Please read on to learn why you should tell them, “No thanks”. The bottom line: Secure MI Vote is MI Voter Suppression.

Please tell them no – do not sign unless you favor voter suppression. They will claim it “makes it easier to vote but harder to cheat,” but this is simply not true. This group and the petition they promote is backlash against the secure 2020 Presidential Election where more Michigan citizens voted than ever before in state history.

"Secure MI Vote" is MI Voter Suppression What they don’t want to say is that this petition is actually an attempt to gather enough signatures so that its financiers can get anti-voter laws on the books – in slap-dash fashion that bypasses the Governor. This diabolical approach, if successful, will make voting harder for Michiganders, especially for Black and Brown people. That’s part of why I ask you to decline to sign “Secure MI Vote”.  Please read on.

The far-right is now ramping up its efforts with an influx of trained people, They just printed a batch of fresh sign-up sheets. They will be pushing for you to sign their deceptive petition, claiming it will “secure voting rights,” when the opposite is true. Much of their assault is based on misleading wrongful issues around Voter ID. This deception does not represent the majority of Michiganders, so they are by-passing the normal legislation process.

Please don’t be deceived. Here’s why you need to stop MI voter suppression by saying no to “Secure MI Vote”:

  • Michigan has one of the most secure and accessible election systems in the nation.
  • More than 250 audits proved that last year’s election one of the most secure elections on record.
  • If the anti-voter group collects enough signatures, the measure will go directly to the legislature where a majority of lawmakers can vote it into law without it going to the ballot and without your say – and the Governor would not be able to use her veto power.
  • If this measure becomes law, it would take Michigan’s election system backward, making it harder for everyone to vote, especially Black, Indigenous, people of color, rural, senior, and voters with disabilities to cast their ballot, and by taking away your voting options on Election Day.
  • This petition is aligned with “Stop the Steal” and the “Big Lie” and the violent assault on the capitol.

Please use your power to stop this blatant attempt at voter suppression. It’s an assault on voting and democracy. Please spread the word with your family and your neighbors.  Say no to “Secure MI Vote”.






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