Reasons to support the Poor People’s Campaign revolve around basic human interests and good economics. You need not be Black or of particular religious persuasion.
Morals & Humanity for the Moment
The Poor People’s Campaign works for the human interests promised in the Constitution. For example, all men are created equal, have the right to vote, etcetera. Here are the details:
- the National Call for Moral Revival,
- the Moral Policy Agenda to Heal America,
- the Poor People’s Jubilee Platform and its Principles.
This movement harnesses the power of people otherwise stripped of dignity. And the power of the poor and those subjected to systematic discrimination (such as low income) is significant. They must be allowed to vote, but there’s a fight going on there too.
Therein lies the downside; today’s politicians largely ignore and actively manipulate the under classes. With impunity, many politicians work against basic human and American rights.
Moral Policy Is Good Economics
Lifting up poor and working-class people bolsters the whole economy. This is true if we can break the war economy and gross wealth disparity (really, they’re one and the same).
The Poor People’s Campaign is organized around the needs and demands of poor and low wealth people; that’s 140 million in 45 states. They are in collaboration with the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) – an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that uses economic research and analysis to understand and improve the economic conditions of workers and their families.
Yes, the Poor People’s Campaign is non-partisan. But they are proactively political. And unquestionably, nonviolent.
The Poor People’s Campaign is led by impacted people. They are poor and/or subjected to systematic disadvantages, especially racism and other discrimination. People in the movement are seasoned and committed. They are a substantial power.
The movement acknowledges and embraces people of conscience; people of every stripe who see the injustice and need. So, maybe this is you. Every thinking and caring American sees our youth have less opportunity than the previous generation. Elected officials are, by design and predominant practice, consumed with greed and power. This is corruption at work, not governance. This movement is breaking the cycle.
More and more, we are all impacted. The Poor People’s Campaign demands that America stops breaking its contracts.
Comprehensive Agenda with Clear Priorities
Sadly, the core issues of the day are the same as decades ago. And in fundamental ways, the issues are worsening. The priorities have withstood the test of time. Now, we spin in a moral abyss. Certain politicians who tout themselves as the “party of the people” are actually among the most treacherous.
Campaigns to salvage American democracy are getting smarter; the Poor People’s Campaign is among them.
Everyone Contributes, Belongs, and Has a Place
America and far too many of the People are hurting. As democracy spirals, every act either helps or hurts. The Poor People’s Campaign is beautiful for its ability to consistently help.

Workplace standards and behaviors tend to favor white people. This is a real issue; it sometimes elicits the term ‘white man urgency’. It references a form of urgency that hurts people of color. The movement subscribes to dialogue and training to raise awareness and combat the white supremacy culture. Nonetheless, we are in a state of urgency. Not all of white people’s urgency is misguided and should not necessarily be rejected.
One of the biggest reasons I sought out the Poor People’s Campaign came from listening to Reverend Barber recognize poor and disenfranchised whites; the problems are as much class issues as they are racial. This is where ‘stronger together’ gets real.
Grass Roots and Allies in the Communities
To win, smart organizations seek out and work with each other. Justice and working solutions come down to community. So, one great way to support the Poor People’s Campaign is to establish a local chapter.
Restore and Respect Your Faith, Whatever It Might Be
All people and faiths are vital. Indeed, the movement meets you where you are.
Certainly, Christians are prominent within the movement. It is a moral revival after all (not that Christians have a monopoly on morals). However, don’t expect a large presence of the Christian “right” persuasion.
Maybe I lost my religious path. I appreciate people of faith are prominent in the movement. For every act or message, I can ask: would it be acceptable and contribute to the good of all. It tempers my frustration and keeps me properly focused.
The Poor People’s Campaign builds power and smartly applies it to the big urgent issues of the day. Consider the Poor People’s Campaign.