Thinking caring people are demanding to abolish the filibuster. This will strengthen the moral course for the good of all. The end of the filibuster will stop the democracy freefall, and enable a better faster recovery.
Eradication of the filibuster can be done as soon as the administration finds its backbone. The filibuster can quickly be eliminated. This takes leaders getting over their fear and being willing to go forward with the people. We need brave strong American leaders.
Once again, the bold straightforward agenda of the Poor People’s Campaign shows its ability to keep people whole and focused. Part of the movement’s beauty comes by not letting politicians control the agenda and messages.

Bipartisanship and the Filibuster are Diabolical Old Tools
As used, these tools corrupt and enrich politicians who might otherwise do the right thing. The filibuster is blatantly used to deny and suppress. Bad politics are routinely weaponized by the filibuster.
Bipartisanship has a dark side – stalemate-by-design, to squash the poor and serve the rich. They disallow a third party, agreeing on little beyond imperialism, while the underclass struggles. Morality is essentially dead to the big important decisions. And the filibuster is at the immoral core.
Maybe it’s bipartisanship that enables elected officials to hold office yet profess to have no power, or to act inexplicably aggressive. Biden takes full responsibility for delivering on Pompeo’s promise to leave Afghanistan – bipartisanship of a twisted sort. But while the war economy will take time to fix, the filibuster can be eliminated NOW.
The Filibuster is Wrong for America and Americans
A lot of people say the filibuster and its implications are exactly as it should be. Or that it’s not time to change; or let’s just tweak it. You won’t hear such defenses or side-stepping from the peaceful struggling masses or their advocates. You will hear it defended by supremacists. The filibuster is used and promoted by powerful privileged folks, lackey politicians, and their misguided consorts.
If you spend precious resources enabling politicians who are not willing or able to end the filibuster, please consider a more humanistic choice. You have choices, and you are the power that tips the balance. Please don’t squander precious resources on business-as-usual or some perceived lesser-of-evils; these are biproducts of broken leadership.
Today and until democracy’s restoration, we are in an intense moral challenge. Please stay informed and act as you can. Thinking caring people can find refuge and power in the Poor People’s Campaign.