Early today two political requests arrive in the mail. One to preserve political debauchery and one to save lives.
Debauchery comes in the form of latest democratic party solicitation of money and sensationalism to hold off the bad-guy Republicans. This, while they are demonstrating weak intent to act on the critical mandate given them at the last presidential cycle.
Saving lives arrives as a simple statement prefacing an action plan. “We can use volunteers”. It’s the culmination of so-far unsuccessful efforts to get a meaningful stance from Michigan Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow in relation to the priorities of the Poor People’s Campaign.
A press release will be conducted this upcoming Monday July 26th at 11AM, in Detroit at the the Federal Building on Michigan Avenue. It is organized by the Michigan Poor People’s Campaign, in conjunction with the ACLU. They expect to receive answers on where the Senators stand on the following four demands. It will be a short session, conducted outside on the plaza.

These Senators, especially Senator Stabenow, are not so smug as to ignore the people. Especially a visible growing group like the Poor People’s Campaign. These Senators are a barometer of the Democratic party’s will and readiness to save our democracy and it’s people. Determining their stance should not be this difficult; so far it is not clear or dependable.
Debauchery? Or save lives? What to do?
Truth is, the great mass of the poor, those most needing help, do not even get to consider political requests. These are lives to save.
So, if you are among the thinking caring masses who see the gravity and can only do so much, consider the Poor People’s Campaign. You will be welcomed by seasoned loving people. You will learn about mass civil disobedience. It’s not magical thinking; it’s feet on the street to fill the moral void.
Michigan’s Poor People’s Campaign is strong, stable, and growing; they were among the disenfranchised women marching and subjected to arrest in DC this past Monday.
People get ready; we will not fail ourselves.