Alternative Science is Not Real Science

Yes, look to science, established real science. This means accept and follow recommendations of the established scientific leaders, those entrusted with our health. Sure we always look to improve, and opinions and ideas are welcome. But now is not the time to get sidetracked on exceptions, or remote possibilities and alternatives.

The preponderance of data and history are with our health science leaders, who say take the lifesaving vaccine and wear masks until control is established. Do it else more will die. And if we don’t have the will or capability – if we cannot accept what is happening in front of our eyes – mandates have merit.

There are not many exceptions, but for some, vaccinations are absolutely not an option. I wouldn’t argue with the parent who says, “my God does not tell me or my children to get vaccinated”. But you must still respect others; be up-front about it and wear a mask when you are in public. Choosing to expose others doesn’t come close to being a legitimate freedom. Neither does choosing not to obey rules and laws – are these people not wearing their seatbelts?

There is always contrived non-religious resistance to vaccines. This prevails because this is where the power and money come in. In other words, if resistance is not truly science based, the resistance is an opportunistic ploy.

Stay Healthy With Real Science

alternative science does not equal real scienceTrumpish folks see what did and didn’t work in the last move toward full autocracy. They know they must do better than bleach, and are stepping up their people-division vaccine-resistance game. So, don’t go for alternative science.

When Dr. Christina Parks recently spoke to the Michigan House, it might not have been alternative science, but it was not prevailing science. It was contrary to the stance and message that is advocated by scientific leadership. It feeds doubt and debate, while thousands needlessly die. Arcane exceptions can always be found.

Dr. Parks correctly brings out that Black people don’t trust government, so they are aren’t getting vaccinated. So why not, on the basis of scientific leadership, bring them to safety?

The medical/racial bias of the Tuskegee atrocity still thrives in American government & medicine. But these old injustices shouldn’t be used to misrepresent the facts and scientific evidence relevant to covid vaccinations. It is further division and extremely questionable mis-use of opportunity, at the worst possible time.






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