picture of Shakespeare

Get Fully Woke to Shakespeare

Shakespeare is everywhere. Given all his writing, the presentations and performances, all the studies and acknowledgements, the lives he touches, he is omnipresent. Yet he remains hard to pinpoint, an iconic enigma, unless you give him due diligence (a phrase he penned).

And it’s hard as well to know details of the man’s life – a lot can be inferred from his writings but there are mysterious holes in his personal life detail.

picture of ShakespeareHis influence is huge. However, it’s hard to gage if appreciation for his work is as strong as it was, at least relatively. In his day, ten percent of the English population was attending live play performances. What an age of awakening that was. His star is not going dim and maybe he’s appreciated in new ways.

There was an attempt to awaken me in high school in 1970, but I lost my way. On my circuitous detour, I had enticing superficial exposure to his work, enough to engender respect. For this commoner there has also been elements of awe and intimidation. Now I have started to really read Shakespeare. I am glad with no regrets. Undoubtedly I’ll be back with my positive observations to add to the large pile. Consider me ‘woke’ to Shakespeare.

Suffice it to say that Shakespeare provides unique stylistic elements conducive to expansive enlightened thought processes. This is relevant, if not vital, to the growing writer.

So, my message here is wow, Shakespeare is good stuff that can propel the writer. You aspirants of things good and humane do well to drink it up. You’re missing a free life-enhancing opportunity if you don’t read him.

My only problem now is not to let him consume me.





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