Michigan No-Fault Insurance Serves Industry, Not the People

Before you celebrate your Michigan no-fault insurance check too hard, consider this. It was about as little as they could get by with, and it is particularly insulting to Michigan’s disabled community.

Michigan No-Fault CollaboratorsSince its inception in the early 70s, the Michigan’s automotive no-fault law has spewed confusion and contention. The system has grown a big industrial coffer. And relative tiny little gets to the most needy people. 

Michiganders must have auto insurance and pay the extra premium, but cannot expect clear accounting or proper use of the big money. Is this not the people’s money? Is this the state-level industrial-complex in action?

There are about eighteen thousand crash survivors with traumatic injuries whose medical benefits are being drastically reduced under Michigan’s latest tweak to the no-fault auto insurance system. So, the system can claim another over-the-top financial victory, and they are willingly numb to another moral defeat. 

With the recent “reform” legislation, you can see another episode of bipartisan agreement; or call it the convenient hill none of them can afford to stand on. The $400 checks are not even a good bone; and they are haggling over whether it should be retroactive. The interest on the $27B honey hole is probably more than that. Only they know. The administration goes through the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association.

Michigan No-Fault Reform Means New Suffering for Care-Providers and Patients

This is a sad old story, getting worse. A big new stretch of denial is upon the people. But the people cannot be made to suffer and keep waiting. 

The Republicans won’t entertain anything to do with meaningful insurance legislation and it’s not clear whether the Democrats can or will put up a fight. Care providers are struggling to keep their employees under the new fee schedule, while insurance companies can deny and delay.

Don’t be bought for $400. We cannot continue to wait and blindly trust.





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