political abuse has roles of abused, abusers, and bystanders

The Political Abuse of Americans

We are beyond the failure of government to protect the American people; we are now witnessing rampant political abuse against the citizenry. 

political abuse has the characteristics of general abuseThis picture shows the characteristics of abuse that you can read on the walls of the airports; they are the same as the growing overarching political abuse. Political abuse includes a slew of broken contracts at the hands of greed and oppression, as well as obstruction of basic human and democratic rights. It’s the segue to official autocracy. 

Don’t worry about this if you can’t see any problem, or if you are living the propaganda. If that’s you it probably doesn’t matter that it’s all so predictable and fascist. 

When you take a critical look at the collective domineering behavior of America’s elected officials, they are abusing the bulk of the population, most common folk. But there is no 800 number to call in response to abuse of the prevailing political variety. 

Sure, there are exception politicians. But not in number or of a level to stem the abuse. Not enough to restore civil humanity unless a cadre of actual leaders step up. Instead, the US is in a filibuster death spiral. The filibuster has never worked for the people; it always serves the politicians.

Three Roles to Execute Today’s Political Abuse

like all abuse, political abuse includes abused, abusers, and bystanders. In abusive situations, there are most always three parties: the abused, the abusers, and the bystanders.

The common people are the abused, regardless of political leaning. The abusers, openly and in your face, are the Republicans. Democrats are the bystanders. This consistent alignment extends to the political party Wanna-Be’s and their attendant media outlets. Very few are all that anxious for the unfettered truth.

Sadly, Americans and their rights are a non-issue in the face of accelerating political abuse. New leaders must rise. Even the woke and active new Democrats are hamstrung (and their funding is falling off) by their affiliation with the still-comfortable Democratic establishment; there is nothing left-wing or extremist in voting rights, a living wage, and health care. 

As Barton Gellman of The Atlantic reports (one of the folks who predicted Trump’s refusal to accept defeat) the second coupe is already in motion. And with no intervention (if there are only bystanders and abusers), it’s got a strong chance of going smoothly, even non-violently.  So, who knows, maybe it won’t go apocalyptic. 

The American US can salvage righteous exceptionalism by restoring itself as the world democracy leader. So, we must immediately end the current form of the filibuster and strengthen voting for all. 

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